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More new neighbours

Date Sent:

Saturday June 13,2009 at 4:28 PM


Wow John, I checked my E-mail for the first time today at 2:47 PM and received your response titled “notes r us” just five minutes after you sent it. Also, my mom says that you come up with good subject headings.

My dad talked to my grandpa last night on the phone, he said that they took down their curtains and moved their furniture away from the window. Remember I told you in the E-mail I sent you on Wednesday that the outside of their building looks all green now because it’s covered with tarp? They can’t have anything near the windows when they’re working on their floor. When they get to the floor that my grandparents are on, they’ll be putting new windows in their apartment and fixing the leaks that are in the walls.

And my auntie Karen phoned my dad’s cell phone this afternoon when he was in the middle of putting the lawnmower away after he finished cutting the grass. He left the lawnmower sitting out while he was off talking to her and my mom saw Izbister go over there and check it out. She was sniffing it, she had her paws up on it, and my mom said that she just seemed very interested in it.

Before my dad cut the front lawn, he talked to Muriel who was waiting for her HandyDART that came twenty minutes late today. She said that her sister, Jessie, who she goes and sees over in Morgan Creek is still doing about the same and Muriel might sell her house soon. This doesn’t surprise my mom because she knows that Muriel doesn’t have the time to look after her place. She thinks that she’d be better to have an apartment seeing how she doesn’t like gardening, and also she’s getting older and sort of frail.

When you were looking through the Vancouver Sun at my place on Thursday at the story about the “Pedestrian-only party on the bridge” that’s happening tomorrow, you said that you couldn’t remember exactly which day the new bridge is suppose to open. I said in the E-mail I sent you on May 29th that it’s suppose to open on June 16th.

I also remember you told me that you didn’t remember my mom and dad’s 34th anniversary was last Sunday. I remember saying something in the E-mail I sent you last year on their anniversary that their 33rd was on that day.

My mom bought two brands of SPF 60 “Body” sunscreen when she was out last Tuesday. One’s a Coppertone brand and she said that she and my dad could try them first. If they think that one of these would work for me after one of them tries it, then maybe I could try that one on myself.

Remember last Thursday after we played our “Connect Four” you made a row with your “Connect Four” pieces and then you went to use the bathroom? Because you didn’t find the one that I made while you were in the bathroom using my checkers, I took a couple pictures of mine and uploaded them for you at
Please let me know when you’ve downloaded the above file and I also included the pic that we scanned of Simba and Sunshine in there.

And by the way, do you have any idea what happened to the maps section that was on the myTELUS website? I told you before that’s where I get the maps before I modify them and send them to you. I was going to draw a map of my neighbourhood to send to Larry after I showed him the way that you drive into my neighbourhood off of 140th Street last Tuesday when we drove back to my place from Crescent Beach and he said that he feels more comfortable entering my neighbourhood off 20th. I can understand that he’d be use to entering my neighbourhood from 20th seeing how he comes from the other direction most of the times when he comes here because he lives in Guildford. I’ll have that box of “Junior Mints” for my snack tomorrow afternoon that I got at the Macs store last Tuesday when I went there with Larry. And if walking the dogs goes well tomorrow, maybe we could drive to the Watershed Park from your place next Sunday and then walk your dogs on the trails there.


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