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1 Mon December 30 2002 - 11:21:12
Name: Tyler Puckett
Homepage Title: Welcome to the Puckett Family's Homepage
Homepage URL:
ICQ #:
EZboard ID:
Favorite Game:
How did you find this site?: Search Engine (which one?)
What do you rate this site?: 1 (very poorly done)
Comments: Hi, You did a great job on your web page! Please visit the Puckett Family Homepage at Please sign in the Guest Book (It means a lot to me :) Happy New Year, Tyler Puckett

2 Fri October 25 2002 - 13:38:00
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
ICQ #:
EZboard ID:
Favorite Game:
How did you find this site?: Search Engine (which one?)
What do you rate this site?: 5 (very good, well done)
Comments: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BRINGING THIS SUPERB GAME BACK FOMR THE ABYSS!My mate managed to get it form a mate in Germany and ive been playing it ever since (until it crashed and burned and ive been looking for a new one for ages!Sod the graphices (which were superb for the time anyway) the gameplay is out of this world! Marvel as you enjoy every aspect of the game, chuckle as you gradually thrash the competition and laugh out loud whne you hit something at a stupid angle and fly 200ft in the air then become static for a few seconds!i love this site!ill b here all the time! Ryan

3 Mon July 29 2002 - 15:30:07
Name: Neil McRae
Homepage Title: The Unofficial
Homepage URL:
ICQ #: 96544588
EZboard ID: bstuntsmessagecenter
Location: Surrey, B.C., Canada
Favorite Game: Stunts
How did you find this site?: Other (describe below)
What do you rate this site?: 5 (very good, well done)
Comments: Hi, it's me. I'm just testing my guest book again. What do you think of the new look? And don't ask how I found this site because I'm the creator. I honestly don't know if whether or not I should rate this site a '4' or a '5' because it is still way under construction.

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